April showers (with a vengeance)


Today’s guest picture shows that not only do they have a lot of tax-dodging rich men in London, they have beautiful blossom too.  My sister Mary passed this example on her way to tennis recently.


We had a bit of sunshine today and then a gusty rainstorm…and then a bit of sunshine…and then another gusty rainstorm and so on until the evening.  The rainstorms came on so suddenly that the bits of sunshine in between were practically useless, as by the time that you had registered them and thought about going out, it was raining again.

Under these circumstances I raised my idling status to absolute and did nothing energetic all day.  I must say that I feel a lot better for it since my back has been giving me a bit of trouble and it probably needed the break.

The morning was given over to a long, relaxing soak in a hot bath and starting a sour dough loaf (using a virtually knead free method).

I did look out of the window from time to time.

“Flaps down” for a chaffinch
A redpoll in one of the many showers

The redpoll is such a frequent visitor now that he is going to be counted as a regular soon.

After lunch I put another week of the newspaper index into the Archive Group database and I am beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel.

I found a dry ten minutes or so and nipped out into the garden.

scilla and pulmonaria
A sheltered spot for some rather soggy scilla and pulmonaria
A flourishing flock of fritillaries
The excitement over the teasing tulips is tremendous
grape hyacinth
Mrs Tootlepedal has put some very pale blue grape hyacinths among the usual dark blues

I went in when it started to rain again.

I found another bright moment and set out to walk to the Buccleuch Centre to book a couple of shows and it was typical of the day that by the time that I covered the three hundred yards or so to the front door of the centre, it was chucking it down in buckets. I was very glad to have had the forethought to carry a large brolly with me.

When I got back, the rain stopped after a while and  I looked out of the window.  The birds were not discouraged by the showers at all and swirled round the feeders in every direction at once.

chaffinch and siskin

chaffinches and goldfinch

They seemed quite cheerful and chatty.


The redpoll returned for its tea.


I made a tasty smoked sausage risotto for our tea (Mrs Tootlepedal had spent the afternoon painting the back stairs and was resting) and in the evening we went off for a practice with our Langholm Choir.  We had a substitute choir master for the session and he was jolly good so the practice was a pleasure.  The choir is singing at the church choir conductor’s eightieth birthday party on Sunday afternoon.  Mrs Tootlepedal will be going as she sings in both choirs but I will be going to our Carlisle choir and will have to miss the event.

The day was rounded off by a sighting of the International Space Station as it made its stately way over Langholm at 17,500 mph.  There is something magical in seeing it appearing bang on cue out of the darkness and disappearing silently into the darkness again after a few minutes.

The flying bird of the day is a chaffinch.

flying chaffinch

Published by tootlepedal

Cyclist, retired teacher, curmudgeon, keen amateur photographer.

34 thoughts on “April showers (with a vengeance)

  1. Our apples trees have started blooming here, some varieties earlier than others. The stragglers come into bloom by early May.

    Happy 80th Birthday to the choir director, and I do enjoy hearing about all the singing going on. The world could use more of it, especially over here where the continual bombardment of election year news is becoming tiring and depressing.

  2. Cool in seeing the space station, I saw it a few years ago. Mind-boggling to me! Cute shot of your last redpoll photo, he’s not so disapproving at you this day, more giving a smile I think.

  3. I really liked the “flaps down” chaffinch – I needed a good chuckle. The fritillaries are beautiful. The pattern makes me think of a lovely silk fabric made into party dresses. Not that I have any need for a party dress. Now that I think of it, the fabric might make a very nice pair of snowpants, too. Those I could use.

  4. Hope your back benefits from a more restful day.
    You found some lovely colour in the garden. Glad choir practice went well.

  5. How exciting to end the day seeing the space station. I should really take more notice of what is going on up there in the night sky. The fritillaries look lovely and I like the delicate shade of the pale grape hyacinth. Yes, I’m sure your back will benefit from some rest, although I know it can be frustrating to have to miss your cycling/walking.

  6. We also enjoy spotting the space station. You’re right, there is something very special (or reassuring) about it appearing exactly on time and on course.

  7. I will be going out this evening to watch for the space station. I hope the cloud is broken enough for a sighting. I like the photo of the swirling birds round the feeder. The wing feathers are lovely.

      1. Yes we saw it. The skies had cleared and the station appeared on time. Richard had never seen it before and was particularly thrilled. We dashed back inside afterwards as it has become very chilly this evening.

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