Sibling arrivalry

penrith station

Today’s guest picture shows an ingenious planter which my brother Andrew encountered on the platform of Penrith Station…..

penrith station

…where he also met my sisters Mary and Susan.  More about that later.

We had another generally fine day with just the merest touch of rain in the early evening but the sun was not so hard working as yesterday and it felt a good deal cooler.

I had intended to embark on a bicycle ride of some length but my legs had other ideas so instead I was happy to welcome Dropscone for a cup of coffee.  We sampled some of Mary Jo’s Canadian jam with his scones and found that it went very well.

Dropscone brought with him a small gift of crusty rolls which he had acquired at an extremely reasonable price from a Hawick supermarket just before it shut for the day as he passed through on his way home from a  golfing meeting late last night.  In return, we sent him off with a bag of rhubarb stalks.

I mowed the drying green and the greenhouse grass and then had a walk round the garden.

There is no shortage of things to look at.

The anemone is among my favourite flowers.  Its hand painted look appeals to me.


The white bluebells are looking strong.


And the good weather has the tulips opening their petals to the world.

tulip hearts

At noon, Mrs Tootlepedal went off to help out at the Buccleuch Centre Coffee shop and I went in to have lunch and keep an eye on the birds.

Goldfinches appeared to be unhappy about something.


After lunch, Mrs Tootlepedal reappeared and I got out the new bike and went off for a gentle and short run down to Canonbie by my usual route.  I don’t have any pictures to show from the trip as most unusually for me, I did the whole twenty miles without stopping at all, except on the two occasions when I had to cross the main road.   I have added a pannier to the set up and the bike coped with this without difficulty.

Since I hadn’t taken any pictures on the cycle ride, I took a few in the garden when I got back….

bees on dicentra
Two colours of dicentra both acting as bee magnets
garden ferns
A ferny corner of the back bed
Ornamental and edible strawberries both in flower
lamium, tulip and rhododendron
Lamium, tulip and rhododendron
The daffodil of the day (not many left)
This is the dawning of the age of azalea (with more to come)

…and then, as it was sunny for a bit,  Mrs Tootlepedal and I went off to see the bluebells.  Unfortunately we had left things just a moment too late and by the time that we got to the bluebells, the sun had gone in again.  There was plenty to see on the way through the park and along the river…

park trees
Blossom in the park

…but the most surprising thing that we saw was several young rabbits scuttling across the grass at the far end of the park and disappearing into holes in the banking.  We stopped to watch them scamper about and one rabbit felt mistakenly that it was well enough hidden…

park rabbit

…to avoid the inquisitive lens.

We walked on.

wild garlic
wild garlic along the path
easton ferns
ferns everywhere
bluebells and more wild garlic

When we got to them, the bluebells were at their best…


…but the clouds had thickened up and the dull weather didn’t do them justice.  However, the scent from the flowers was not affected and gave our walk special pleasure.

We came home along the Stubholm track…

Stubholm track

…and walked back through the park, passing stitchwort by the Stubholm track and…

stitchwort and white wild flower

…and an unknown white flower in profusion at the park bridge.

We didn’t have long to wait after we got home before my brother Andrew drove up bringing Susan and Mary, my two eldest sisters with him.   Andrew is on a holiday in north Lancashire, my sister Susan had been staying with friends in Cumbria,  my sister Mary had joined them for a short break in the Lake District based in Penrith and all three had come to Langholm to test the new bench, marvel at the new bike and have a meal at the Douglas Hotel with us.

The test, the marvelling and the meal all went off well and we waved them goodbye as the light began to fade at the end of a good day.

The flying bird of the day is a chaffinch showing strong shoulders as it approaches the feeder.

flying chaffinch







Published by tootlepedal

Cyclist, retired teacher, curmudgeon, keen amateur photographer.

33 thoughts on “Sibling arrivalry

  1. Great picture of that rabbit. The bench was very comfortable and the new bike a wonder to behold. It was so good to see the garden with my own eyes too, another marvel!

  2. I wouldn’t know where to begin with the flowers, they’re all beautiful in their own way. I will say that seeing the masses of bluebells was a special treat though. I also enjoyed the ferny corner and Stubholm track as well, so nice to see green.

  3. I like the ferny corner of the garden, and the bluebells are magnificent no matter the weather.
    I saw that rabbit’s cousin just this morning but it wouldn’t pose like this one.
    It must have been nice to have a house full of brothers and sisters, if even for just a short while.

  4. AWESOME post and GREAT photos as always. I planted some ferns I had bought earlier and some critter dug them up. At least I was able to notice they were sprouting before I replanted them. I always like to hear about your adventures and the plants growing where you live. Congradulations on the new bike! 🙂

  5. Ooh, I do like the subtle greens of your ferny corner! Lovely to have almost all the siblings together, albeit for a flying visit. I guess that so much chatting was going on that cameras were forgotten…

  6. How lovely! One of my favorite flowers is also the anemone. I think the bright colors are what endear it to me. I had planted some bulbs at a previous home and they were spectacular the first year and then they disappeared. I wonder if the deer didn’t do them in, too. Or perhaps something ate the bulbs. You’re tempting me to try again, but I’m on this crusade to do natives. I’ll have to look up that particular type of anemone. The last house before this one had the Japanese Anemones. They weren’t nearly as gorgeous in my opinion, but they sure liked to spread.
    Isn’t white bluebells an oxymoron?
    Sounds like a lovely visit with the siblings!

    1. I must say that I like Japanese anemones and they do well without going mad in our garden. The colourful anemones don’t do well which make the few that do come up more valuable.

      1. I wonder why some plants just seem to want to take over here. It was quite pretty, so I ultimately moved it to a spot that had a concrete curb around it. Otherwise it was trying to crowd out the grapes, artichokes, and blueberries. Couldn’t have that!

  7. Sounds and looks like you had another lovely day. The bluebell woods look wonderful and having your own ferny corner to enjoy is special. Fine range of beautiful flowers in bloom for your visitors to all see and admire too.

  8. So many beautiful photos, but I am drawn to the Stubholm track one. That is an inviting walk!

    Our daffodils are long gone now. The irises are putting on a good show, as are the local hawthorn trees.

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