Listening to my ankle

Today’s picture, taken by my brother Andrew, shows the oddly named and oddly shaped hill, Thorpe Cloud

Thorpe Cloud, looks pyramidical from the south

I had hoped to test drive my new cycling glasses today and after a good night’s sleep,  the weather was pleasant enough to have made this a possibility but, for once, good sense came into the picture.  Good Sense said, “Does your ankle hurt?” and when it received an answer in the affirmative , it said, “Don’t go cycling.”  So I didn’t.

I did look out of the window of course.

Just the usual visitors today.

I pursued a policy of intermittent gardening and resting which let me do some lawn mowing and composting with enough gaps in between to ensure no further damage to my ankle.

Luckily I had a good combination of long lasting  sports reports to follow (test match, athletics world championships, junior world cycling championships in Glasgow and the  PGA Golf) to keep me entertained in the less active moments of the day.

The light gardening activities gave me plenty of time to look around.

The weather has cooled down a lot and summer is rapidly becoming just a memory but two sets of flowers are keeping some sunshine alive.  Mrs Tootlepedal’s sunflowers are still  looking great…


…and there is a steady but unspectacular supply of marigolds dotted about the borders.


One of the day lilies carried looking languid about as far as it can go in the floral world.

day lily
Laid back lily

Mrs Tootlepedal is still in the middle of a flurry of activity, clearing borders up after strong growth in the good weather.  I take care not to get to close to her when she has clippers, hedge trimmers and secateurs in hand in case I get tidied up too.

She put the tools down long enough to visit an embroidery exhibition in the Town hall by the ladies of Longtown which she enjoyed a lot.

We both took time out to visit an exhibition in the Buccleuch Centre celebrating 90 years of the Langholm Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society.  A lot of work has gone into this display of programmes, posters and photographs.  There were even clippings of old reviews and costumes from some productions.  Both Mrs Tootlepedal and I have directed and acted in productions for the society in years gone by but she has been far more active over the years than I have.  It was fun to see pictures of respectable middle aged gentlemen and ladies of the town when they were in the first flush of their youth.

The day remained cloudy and as a result I didn’t consider any expeditions to take more interesting pictures than the usual fare so I apologise for putting in more flowers.

shirley poppy
I like the centre of the Shirley poppies which look very like iced cakes.
The phlox looks very blue from a distance but more purple when the camera looks at it.
The cloudy day let me get a true colour picture of the bright red nasturtiums
Although this bright variety wasn’t so easy to snap.

Although Mrs Tootlepedalcleared off the orange hawkweed some time ago, some hardy stems have survived.

They are another of the flowers that last throughout the season

I had a second look at the very dull clematis and I think that I am coming round to it.


It is certainly flourishing and providing plenty of interest at the arch into the vegetable garden.


We had two cheery removal men from London as our B&B guests tonight.  They have been on the road for four days in a round trip that has taken in Wales and Ireland before arriving in Langholm.  They will be pleased to get home tomorrow.  Their firm is called Winkle Removals and their slogan is “Give Winkle a Tinkle.”  As they say, it does catch your attention.

I am not very optimistic about the rapid recovery of my ankle as they are complicated bits of kit but I will try to at least get out of the house tomorrow, by car if not by bike.

A standard flying friend for today.

flying chaffinch








Published by tootlepedal

Cyclist, retired teacher, curmudgeon, keen amateur photographer.

23 thoughts on “Listening to my ankle

  1. Hope your ankle mends more quickly than you expect so that you are back in action on your bike in a twinkle. Rachel suggested that last phrase!

  2. Wise to listen to your body, I have a habit of ‘turning the radio up’ in an attempt to drown out the rattle or the whine!!
    Marigolds are very good value. Cheery little fellows, who keep on delivering the goods, a bit like your removal men guests.

    1. Ha, nice observation. With regard to unwelcome aches and pains, the trouble is that if you just ignore them, they do often go away. The trick is to know when that will happen and when it won’t work. I haven’t managed to find that out yet.

  3. Sorry to hear about the ankle but best not risk it when you’re injured. I found that out to my cost with a knee injury. I kept going because I had a marathon to walk but it took a long time to recover from it properly. Those su flowers just keep on going don’t they?

    1. It’s always difficult to work out whether a little rest or a bit of exercise will be the best cure. As I’ve got older, the rest cure seems to be more attractive.

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