Not out

Malta flight

Today’s guest picture shows Dropscone’s final goodbye to Malta.  He is safely back in the UK and will be back home in Langholm tomorrow, all things being equal.

Malta flight

There is very little to report today.  Another grey and chilly day outside and another dull and quiet day indoors.

I tried to cut down my activity to the bare minimum in the hope of a swift cure and  I was feeling quite a bit better at various points during the day  but was never quite able to throw the cold off completely.

I did get two more weeks of the newspaper index into the Archive Group database so that cheered me up and I put another of the Carlisle choir songs for our forthcoming competitions onto the computer .  We are going to have to learn four songs which I will find exceedingly hard work.

The light was rotten so I didn’t spend much time looking out of the window.  When I did peep out, a robin appeared.



The day proceeded at a stately pace and I felt better enough at four o’clock to think of going to the Buccleuch Centre in the evening with Mrs Tootlepedal to see a ‘live’ relay of the Mikado on the screen there.  Sadly, by seven o’clock when the time came to go, I was back to coughing and spluttering and not wanting to spoil everyone else’s fun, I stayed at home and Mrs Tootlepedal went off without me.

She tells me that it was a brilliant production.  I am very pleased for her.

The worst of Mrs Tootlepedal’s cold lasted two days so I am hoping to be much better tomorrow.

I caught a glimpse of a flying chaffinch.

flying chaffinch

Published by tootlepedal

Cyclist, retired teacher, curmudgeon, keen amateur photographer.

26 thoughts on “Not out

  1. I’ve just returned to catch up on your blog to find you have a virus. Yes, do rest and take it easy. I hope you recover as quickly as Mrs Tootlepedal. Your robin pictures are lovely. I admire your blogging fortitude through illness, all types of weather and often a very busy schedule! I certainly couldn’t maintain it.

    1. I am old and have time hanging heavy on my hands so it is not much of a penance at all. I used to do cross stitch embroideries, then I learned how to design simple websites and now I do taking snaps and blogging.

  2. I very much like your robin. I wonder who called them “red breasted” as yours’ breast is no redder than the ones we have here in the States.

  3. Hope you will soon be feeling as perky as the robin. Saw the Mikado at a recent screening and much enjoyed it. Sorry you were not able to go, and hope your cold will go as quickly as Mrs. T’s.

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