Not at the races

Today’s guest picture is another from my sister Mary’s recent visit to the Lake District. She sat on the shore of Grasmere while my brother headed for the hills. We were offered all sorts of discouraging weather by the forecasters, including thunder and lightning, but it was calm and dry as we cycled to churchContinue reading “Not at the races”

Definitely summer

Today’s guest picture comes from our son Tony, and shows sea bathing at East Wemyss yesterday. We had a lovely summer day here from dawn to dusk. As a result we spent a lot of time in the garden, including having our coffee with Margaret while we were seated in the shade of the walnutContinue reading “Definitely summer”

Going through the mill

Today’s guest picture comes from our son Alistair and shows Matilda rising above herself. As the guest picture suggests, we did not spend all day on the beach today.  In fact we didn’t spend any of the day on the beach today as for all of the morning and some of the afternoon, a typicalContinue reading “Going through the mill”