More four and two wheels

The guest picture of the day comes from my Somerset correspondent, Venetia and was taken while she was on a walk on the Avalon Marshes.

reedsIt was another difficult day for taking photographs as the cloud decided to come so close to the ground that it was hard to distinguish which was which at times. Still, it didn’t rain in the morning when I had to drive our hire car back to Carlisle to hand it back in.

Much to my relief I have managed to drive it about for a week without acquiring any of those expensive bumps or scratches which hire companies love to charge you for.  I cheerfully caught the bus home freed from any responsibility and got back in time for lunch.

Rather surprisingly there were quite a few chaffinches about in spite of tremendous banging and crashing from the end wall wranglers.

The feeder was busy.
There was even the occasional queue.

I had survived well from my initial bike ride yesterday so I got the slow bike out again after lunch and set off to extend my distance by a few miles.  The low cloud was almost indistinguishable from light rain and there was a distinct chill in the light breeze in my face as I cycled past Wauchope School and on to Westwater,  I had contemplated trying to get into double figures but my legs had a vote at four and a half miles and decided to stop there.

collin bridge
The slow bike having a breather on the bridge.

It wasn’t a very scenic ride and it was damp enough to make me keep the camera tucked away in my back pocket except for this one shot.

When I got back, I had a look to see how the wall manglers were getting on.

End wallThey are getting on well.  You can see from the chalk marks on the dressed stones by the window that these are being kept for re-use but the rough stone that made up the rest wall is unsuitable for re-use and we will see a smart, new and waterproof (we sincerely hope) wall arise in place of the leaky old one.

Thankfully the temperature, although still quite chilly, has risen above freezing and according to the forecast will stay there for a few days at least and the builders should be able to get on with the work.

I was a bit tired after two busy days but I managed to put another week of the newspaper index into the database and then summoned up the energy to eat a delicious venison stew which Mrs Tootlepedal had prepared for me.  Fortified by this I strode off to our regular Langholm Sings choir practice.  There was an early session for the men only and then we were joined by the good singers and had a useful evening’s work.

In the gloomy light, I had to work hard to get a flying bird of the day and my best effort was not of the highest quality.


Published by tootlepedal

Cyclist, retired teacher, curmudgeon, keen amateur photographer.

29 thoughts on “More four and two wheels

  1. It looks and sounds as if the work is progressing nicely, the work on the wall, and your working to get back into shape again. I’ll bet that it was a relief to turn in the rented car, I hate driving a vehicle that isn’t mine.

  2. Your “best effort” in photography is always going to be better than mine and I’m more than happy with that. Good to see they can reuse some of the stone from your wall. Happy to hear your still singing with gusto and joy in the choir as well.

  3. I find it always best to listen to what my legs are telling me; and less to my stomach although it can be very convincing.
    Congratulations on being back “on yer bike”. The wall rebuild looks amazingly complex.

  4. Glad you got the car back without a scratch though sorry your weather is so gloomy. Thanks for including a picture of work in progress on the end wall. The flying bird looked very good to me.

  5. I find it nerve-wracking to drive a vehicle that isn’t mine so I can understand your relief at getting that hire car back. They do charge the earth for damage. I don’t know about where you live but our shopping centre car parks are atrocious for coming home with scratches from other people being careless with their doors. I think 4 1/2 miles on the bike is very commendable considering all things. I wish good weather for you while the renovations are continuing. Venison stew? You do always seem to mention something which makes me hungry. 🙂

  6. I am pleased to see that your wall-rebuild is going well. In one of our former houses, whenever we had work done new problems were always found and the job took twice as long and cost twice as much as we had expected.

  7. You have some clever wall builders there. The ones here can just about manage with nice oblong bricks or breeze blocks. Well done on another day of cycling too.

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