A smaller tour

Today’s guest picture comes from my sister Mary. She spotted this little burst of autumn colour beside the pond in Regent’s Park a day or two ago.

Our weather was much improved here, and the birds didn’t take long to come to the feeder when I filled it after breakfast. I was pleased to see the first siskin back after a noticeable time absent . . .

. . . but a greenfinch was not as happy about encroaching siskins as I was.

It may not have been raining, but it was misty and pretty chilly as we cycled to church, and we saw this as we cycled through the church gates.

As well as the gate, the whole fence along the road to church was festooned with droplet covered strands, but they had all disappeared by the time that we came out. The length of the service gave them plenty of time to go. We had a choir of eight today, and we sang cheerfully. We had new words for one of the hymns, so I had to simultaneously read the music from the hymn book and the words from a video screen some distance away. The minister likes to keep us on our toes.

We had a much needed coffee on our return home, and I had another look at the bird feeder.

A coal tit was popping to and fro . . .

. . . while a sparrow kept a watching brief.

I had time for a turn round the garden, where I found pairs of dahlias, roses and snapdragons . . .

. . . before Mrs Tootlepedal and I went for a gentle preprandial two mile stroll.

We stopped at Pool Corner, and saw not just one, but two dippers, one at each end of the pool.

We took the Becks road up the hill, passing these sparkling haws . . .

. . . on our way to the track down to the bridge across the Becks Burn. Mrs Tootlepedal kept her eye out for things of interest . . .

. . . and we saw sow thistle . . .

. . . as well as yarrow, fungus and meadow vetchling seed heads, some of which she collected.

As we dropped down to the bridge, I liked this tangled view up the little valley of the burn . . .

. . . and as we climbed up the other side, Mrs Tootlepedal was taken by the vibrancy of the fireweed.

A horse reminded us that it was nearly lunch time . . .

. . . so after a final shot of the track . . .

. . . I put the camera away and we kept going until we got home.

I did just have time for another quick sneak round the garden before attacking the lunchtime soup.

The salvias have made me eat my words about being over for the year, so I have put two pictures of them into the panel by way of an apology.

After lunch, I combined going to the Carlisle Community Choir practice with some dedicated cheese shopping. Both were very satisfactory. The sun had come out by the time that the practice had ended and I took this picture of the large chapel where we had been singing.

The days are beginning to draw in now, and when I got home, I decided that that was quite enough activity for the day and settled down to a quiet evening in. My knees were grateful.

The flying bird of the day is a chaffinch.

Published by tootlepedal

Cyclist, retired teacher, curmudgeon, keen amateur photographer.

20 thoughts on “A smaller tour

  1. Great post and a new word for me, at least, preprandial. I had to look up it’s meaning. But great to learn something new. Cheers.

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