Four good things

Today’s guest picture is that very rare thing, a picture from Mrs Tootlepedal’s camera.  It shows the world’s finest baby in the arms of her paternal grandfather yesterday. After a short spell of rain yesterday, the weather returned to being kind and the sun was shining again today.  We hung around until we had gotContinue reading “Four good things”

Holding the baby

No guest picture today but pride of place to the new arrival who is seen in the arms of her grandmother.  Mrs Tootlepedal seems surprised to find that she is quite used to this sort of thing. As you can see, we went to Edinburgh to visit Alistair and Clare and their daughter.  It madeContinue reading “Holding the baby”

Another new visitor

Today’s guest picture was sent to me by my son Alistair and shows the little girl that makes Mrs Tootlepedal a grandmother.   Our best wishes go to Alistair and his wife Clare.  We hope to go to visit mother and baby quite soon. The arrival of our grandchild was a much more complicated affair thanContinue reading “Another new visitor”