Treading new ground

Today’s guest picture come from my South African correspondent Tom Elliot who dropped in here the other day. Before going home, he has visited Arran and sent me these pictures. Those readers who know that as well as being Tootlepedal, I sometimes masquerade as Tom Hutton will see why he sent them. (You can findContinue reading “Treading new ground”

Up and about

Today’s guest picture comes from George, a friend that I met the other day. He asked me about a walk I had done. I suggested that he and his wife might like to try Walk 9 of the Langholm Walks and lo and behold, here is his wife Susan half way round the walk yesterdayContinue reading “Up and about”

Mrs Tootlepedal goes too far

Today’s guest picture comes from former Archive Group member Ken, who is now over in the north east.  He sent me this picture of a very special K4 kiosk, one of only 50 introduced in 1927.  They combined a telephone kiosk with a coin operated stamp vending machine and a post box.  This one isContinue reading “Mrs Tootlepedal goes too far”