No time to sit and stare today

Today’s guest picture comes from our friend Bruce and his holiday in Yorkshire. The authorities are quite happy to direct people to Rosedale, but they don’t seem to care about giving them a clue about where to go when they came back the other way. Unlike yesterday when I did one thing for a longContinue reading “No time to sit and stare today”

More cake

Today’s guest picture comes from my brother Andrew who noticed this unusual street sign in an alley when he was on a visit to Spondon. It was quite an appropriate sign for the post today, as I seemed to spend quite a lot of the day eating. After breakfast, I cycled round to the cornerContinue reading “More cake”

Driven up a hill

Today’s guest picture is another which Mary Jo took while being driven through the Rockies. These mountains make our little hills look quite insignificant. After yesterday’s brief sunny interlude, we reverted to autumnal gloom today, and there was no motivation to put a nose outside the back door all morning. We did open the backContinue reading “Driven up a hill”

A delayed farewell to a musical friend

Today’s guest picture comes from my Manitoba correspondent Mary Jo’s trip to the Rockies. She took this fine view from the road as they drove along. Today’s post is the wrong way round as I want to start with the most important part of the day and that was the evening. I caught the 5.20Continue reading “A delayed farewell to a musical friend”