Out to lunch

Today’s guest picture comes from a call in to Lincoln made by my brother Andrew on his way home from visiting us.

I was a bit tired today for one reason or another, so I was happy to have a trickier than usual bank holiday prize crossword to help me fritter away the morning very peacefully. The weather should have been nice enough to tempt me outside, but I was able to resist.

Mrs Tootlepedal was busy though, and I finally got organised enough to join her on a cycle ride over the Langholm Moor to Newcastleton, with the purpose of having lunch there before coming home again.

It was a grand day for a cycle ride, sunny but not too hot, and with good views up the Ewes valley as we climbed up the hill to the moor.

Everything is greening up, and it was a real treat to cycle across the hills to Newcastleton.

We had a good lunch of egg and chips in the Olive Tree cafe, which was very busy with a group of motor cyclists and a covey of Porsche drivers as well as us.

Mrs Tootlepedal remarked on the cheerful hawthorns beside the road as we cycled back up on to the hill, and bird’s foot trefoil caught my eye, the first of the season that I have seen.

It is not so easy to stop to take pictures when you are cycling with someone else, and we had to stop quite a lot for traffic anyway, so we didn’t stop for pictures again until we found the goats grazing peacefully beside the road near the Tarras bridge.

We voted the twenty mile trip well worth the effort when we got home. Electric bikes make a ride like this, with 2400ft of ascent in it, a real pleasure for mature cyclists. The sunny weather and the good meal helped a lot of course.

After a moment to recover, a bit of time watching the end of today’s Giro stage, and a check on the birds . . .

. . . we went out into the garden. I got busy with the mower, and Mrs Tootlepedal tidied edges up with the strimmer.

I went along the dam at the back of the house and enjoyed the big red poppies and the fuchsia.

When I had put the mower away, I had a wander round the garden.

I was very happy to see that some yellow rattle is thriving in the drying green mini meadow. It keeps the grass in check and lets other wild flowers see the light.

I did some archive work and then went out for another look around. Starlings were having variable success in landing on the power cables and a blackbird was taking food to the nest.

At the bird feeder, a redpoll was showing how they got their name.

The flying bird of the day is one of the many larks who serenaded us as we pedalled along this afternoon.

Published by tootlepedal

Cyclist, retired teacher, curmudgeon, keen amateur photographer.

33 thoughts on “Out to lunch

  1. Love the goats and the Redpoll. I can relate to less picture-taking when with another person as I did that this morning walking with a friend. The beautiful weather was enough. I didn’t feel like I missed too much.

  2. The views are beautiful, and I thank you both for stopping to take photos of the goats. So many beautiful blooms at this time of year, both wildflowers and in the garden. I particularly like the orange poppies!

    The birds are always a pleasure to see, and I am glad the redpoll did a nice pose for you.

    1. I do see orchids on the moor so the goats don’t eat them all. The Sweet Williams are doing very this year, probably because our granddaughter Evie helped Mrs T to plant them out.

  3. Your garden is looking colourful and cheerful, it must be a pleasure to see all the flowers in spring.

    I liked the views of the Ewes valley, and I can imagine it must be lovely riding across the hills of Newcastleton

    1. It is very calming unless there is too much traffic and you have to keep stopping and starting. It was quite busy on our return journey on this occasion.

  4. It was a wonderful journey on my screen, you captured beautiful photographs. And also the first one, your brother’s photograph beautiful. Thank you, Have a nice day, Love, nia

  5. I love an outing with a cafe visit at the end and your cycle ride looked perfect! Lovely scenes to enjoy on your way with the added pleasure of seeing goats too. Pretty flowers in your garden to welcome you back after seeing some larks in your ride…how wonderful!

  6. It all looks very cheerful and my absolute ideal is a bit of exercise punctuated by a treat. I like the redpoll living up to its name. No wonder the goats thrive with all that wonderful browse!

  7. The goats are wonderful! My daughter lives by s goat farm that sells all things from goats! Incredible food! Your day looked very pleasant.

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