Fade to grey

Today’s guest picture comes from Mary Jo’s trip to the surprisingly dry Caribbean island of Aruba. It shows a black bell plant. I have mashed up two of her pictures to show the flowers closed and open. Very disappointingly, after a sunny weekend to say goodbye to March, April opened with a grey, windy, andContinue reading “Fade to grey”

A flat day

Today’s guest picture comes from our son Tony. He noticed an elegant culvert today which he has walked past many times without noticing before. We had a day with some warm and pleasant sunshine, but it also had several showers spaced out to cause maximum inconvenience for a would be cyclist. As a result, IContinue reading “A flat day”


Today’s guest picture comes from our daughter Annie. She visited Hampton Court gardens in the sunshine yesterday. As forecast, the promised breath of spring lasted precisely one day, and we were thrown into reverse, by a cold, wet, and miserable morning. To add insult to injury, it didn’t even rain properly. When I walked upContinue reading “Gnirps”

A brief touch of springtime

Today’s guest picture come from my Manitoban correspondent Mary Jo. She has recently visited the Island of Aruba, just off the Venezuelan coast. It had a much drier climate than she expected. She spotted this Venezuelan Troupial just about to leave a giant cactus while she was there. It was sunny but chilly when weContinue reading “A brief touch of springtime”

Upwind, downwind

Today’s guest picture is another from my brother Andrew’s recent visit to London. He found the River Thames at a low ebb. We had another dry day here after a little overnight rain. It was grey but not particularly chilly, so we were able to get out into the garden before coffee. The task ofContinue reading “Upwind, downwind”

Hurrying home

Today’s guest picture comes from our daughter Annie. Her cat is enjoying the comfort of a blanket specially crocheted for him by Mrs Tootlepedal. We had another dry and reasonably warm morning today which both I and the birds enjoyed. I did some shopping and they did a lot of coming and going and seedContinue reading “Hurrying home”

Post haste

Today’s guest picture comes from my sister Mary. She crossed the canal on her way to meet my brother Andrew this morning, but didn’t find any willow trees to soften the built environment along its bank. We had a day of good weather here. It was unusual but very welcome. The birds were out inContinue reading “Post haste”

Good weather for ducks

Today’s guest picture comes from my camera club friend Simon. While he was working in Paris, he was very struck by the Parisians’ straightforward solution to the problem of what to do when you find a cemetery in the way of a road project. Mrs Tootlepedal and I have resolved to get up a bitContinue reading “Good weather for ducks”

Dampened hopes

There is no guest picture today because with a nod to the fact that it is Mothering Sunday today, the picture at the head of today’s post is a very nice bunch of flowers sent to Mrs Tootlepedal from our son Tony. The actual day here was far from celebratory. It was a miserable andContinue reading “Dampened hopes”

A late night out

Today’s guest picture comes from our son Alastair. On a visit to his local park, he came upon Mr Grumpy’s Edinburgh cousin enjoying a snack. We had another cold, grey and windy day here, slightly colder and slightly more windy than yesterday. It wasn’t a very inviting day for gardening, so it took me aContinue reading “A late night out”