Getting on

Today’s guest picture comes from my sister Mary. She came across a varied selection of birds on her walk today. The forecast here was for a fine day with light winds, so I thought that I might make use of it by having a long cycle ride if the forecast turned out to be correct.Continue reading “Getting on”

Getting back

Today’s guest picture comes from my brother Andrew. He very much enjoyed this unexpectedly leafy section of a walk in the middle of town. After another busy day, I once again find myself starting my post at a late hour, so I apologise if it is a bit rushed. We had a very welcome dayContinue reading “Getting back”

Wet and dry

Today’s guest picture comes from fellow blogger Gunta. She is having trouble connecting to WordPress at the moment and kindly sent me some pictures for my enjoyment. This one is a stonecrop that she met high on a hill behind her house in SW Oregon. I am starting today’s post with a cheat, as IContinue reading “Wet and dry”

Plum pecker

Today’s guest picture comes from my Somerset correspondent Venetia. She visited a Roman villa with my sister Mary recently. Or, to be more correct, they visited a very detailed reconstruction of a Roma villa in the grounds of The Newt in Somerset. We had a warm and mostly cloudy day here, but it stayed dry.Continue reading “Plum pecker”

Push back

Today’s guest picture is a lovely view over the lake at Melbourne in Derbyshire taken by my brother Andrew. He tells us that he was visiting the big house there as the owner is currently on holiday in Scotland and has allowed the hoi polloi to have a nose round while he is away. WeContinue reading “Push back”

Two social cycles

Today’s guest picture comes from my Manitoba correspondent Mary Jo. They do things on a large scale in Canada, and her picture shows guests at a fly-in pancake breakfast that her husband organized at his flying club. They fed 260 people. She tells me that the alarming sky wasn’t as bad as it looks, andContinue reading “Two social cycles”

It turned out nice

Today’s guest picture comes from my sister Mary. She took advantage of the cooler weather today to visit Regent’s Park to enjoy the rose garden. The sky in her picture looks a little threatening though and she had to shelter from a heavy rain shower before getting home. We had the rain overnight here andContinue reading “It turned out nice”

A matching pair

Today’s guest picture is from Paul. He was exploring the tracks round Entwistle Reservoir and spotted this handsome heron. Our excellent spell of summer weather continued here with another warm dry and mostly sunny day. We could get used to this sort of thing. I was reading the newspapers after breakfast when Mrs Tootlepedal calledContinue reading “A matching pair”

A rewarding walk.

Today’s guest picture comes from my sister Mary. She encountered an unusual elephant in Regent’s Park while meeting a friend. I was a bit surprised to hear some heavy rain beating down on the house when I woke up, but by the time that I had actually got up for breakfast, the rain had stoppedContinue reading “A rewarding walk.”