Getting on

Today’s guest picture comes from my sister Mary. She came across a varied selection of birds on her walk today. The forecast here was for a fine day with light winds, so I thought that I might make use of it by having a long cycle ride if the forecast turned out to be correct.Continue reading “Getting on”

A busy but uneventful day

Today’s guest picture comes from my sister Mary. She came upon a herd of deer on a visit to Somerset yesterday. We woke to a grey and wet day here, and although it dried up, it didn’t get much less grey until the very end of the day. With nothing better to do, I putContinue reading “A busy but uneventful day”

A dull day, but with scones

Today’s guest picture comes from my Somerset correspondent Venetia. She looked out of her window at just the right moment to see a sparrowhawk visiting her garden. The most exciting thing to visit our garden today was undoubtedly Dropscone, who came for coffee. He is always welcome, especially when he comes bearing home made sconesContinue reading “A dull day, but with scones”

Taking it easy

Today’s guest picture comes from our friend Gavin. His phone reminded him that he had taken this picture of two cheerful walkers resting on a bench by the river seven years ago. We were much younger then. The caption on Gavin’s picture reminds us that our granddaughter Matilda has now just turned seven and thatContinue reading “Taking it easy”

Actual cycling

Today’s guest picture comes from our son Tony and shows that herons in East Wemyss take a lofty view of life. We had mixed weather here today with occasional rain, quite a bit of wind and some sunshine. If you were lucky, outdoor activities and the rain did not coincide. I was lucky. I wentContinue reading “Actual cycling”

A day of rest

Today’s guest picture comes from another National Trust visit from Venetia. She liked the way that this downpipe had been shaped to suit the architecture at Great Chalfield Manor in Wiltshire. We had another perfect summer’s day here. I was glad that I had gone cycling yesterday though as the wind was a lot briskerContinue reading “A day of rest”

Windy matters

Today’s guest picture is another from Paul’s Lake District trips. Last month he visited these hands on the banks of Derwentwater, carved from solid blocks of wood he believes…his wife kindly stood by to give a sense of scale. Our late summer continued with another fine and warm day here. Mrs Tootlepedal, who was feelingContinue reading “Windy matters”

Sitting about in the sun

Today’s guest picture shows a bridge over the River Otter in Devon taken by my sister Mary who was visiting friends nearby. We had another day of wall to wall sunshine today and we are getting used to having some good weather at last without having to worry about the next rain shower.  It isContinue reading “Sitting about in the sun”