A bit of a blow

Today’s guest picture comes from my brother Andrew. He visited Sheffield for cultural purposes recently and enjoyed a sunny spell while he was there. We had a very occasional glimpse of the sun here today, but in general it was grey and pretty windy again. Dropscone came round for coffee, bringing some of his excellentContinue reading “A bit of a blow”

Club comes up trumps

Today’s guest picture is another from Dropscone’s Orkney adventure. He says that they are having to cope with gales. He doesn’t say if they went swimming. After some overnight rain, we had a generally very sunny day here, although a spot or two of rain in the afternoon made hanging out the washing a bitContinue reading “Club comes up trumps”

Up and down and round and round

Today’s guest picture comes from our son Tony in East Wemyss. He was up so early yesterday morning that he beat the sun to it. There was no sign of sun here this morning, and it was another grey day as we drove up to Cronksbank to help out at the Tarras Valley Nature ReserveContinue reading “Up and down and round and round”