Visitors to garden and house

Today’s guest picture comes from my sister Caroline. She went down to have a look at the newly opened sea defences and promenade at Southsea. It was a miserable day, and she found the scene a bit bleak. We spent the morning preparing for visitors, and then going shopping in Carlisle on the way toContinue reading “Visitors to garden and house”


Today’s guest picture is another from my Somerset correspondent Venetia. She found a very patient dog on a recent outing. We didn’t venture far from home today after yesterday’s major excursion. We had good reason to stay in, as we got a visit from my brother Andrew and my sister Mary, who came to lookContinue reading “Visitors”

A mostly sedentary day

Today’s guest picture comes from my nephew Dan, who is visiting Italy. It shows the ceiling of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Bergamo. There must be a lot of work for Bergamo physios treating tourists with a crick in the neck. We had a warm, often sunny, and always quite calm day hereContinue reading “A mostly sedentary day”

Sunday, a day of rest

Toady’s guest picture comes from blog reader Michelle. She kindly sent me this picture of a waterfall on the Burn O’Vat at Muir of Dinnet, which is just within the boundaries of the Cairngorm National Park in Aberdeenshire. She points out that it has not rained a lot there recently! It did not rain hereContinue reading “Sunday, a day of rest”

Puffed out, blown back

Today’s guest picture comes from my walking guide Mark. On Monday, his dog Henry, took him back for a walk on the hills that we had walked together on Saturday. Henry rested for a moment among the bog cotton. We had another cool and dry day here today, and I was a bit slower toContinue reading “Puffed out, blown back”

Washed out

Today’s guest picture comes from our son Alistair in Edinburgh. He caught a shadowy glimpse of a heron taking off from his local loch. We had a grey, cool and calm morning here today, and in a perfect world, I would have been up early, off on my bike for twenty miles, and back inContinue reading “Washed out”

Modified ambition

Today’s guest picture comes from our son Alistair in Edinburgh. He found a lonely poppy. The forecasters were right and we got a summer day today. After breakfast, I went out in to the garden. My focus was on peonies. We cycled off to church in sunshine and a cheerful mood. We had an adventurousContinue reading “Modified ambition”

Plan B

Today’s guest picture comes from Dropscone.  The golf course is closed at the moment so he is going for walks and he passed one of my favourite trees  a day or two ago.  He thinks that it is a bit like us, just hanging on by the skin of its teeth. It was colder todayContinue reading “Plan B”

An unexpected treat

Today’s guest picture shows you-know-who enjoying a chocolate cake.  It was sent to me by her proud father. The day didn’t start quite as I had planned.  Instead of leaping up and cycling into the middle distance, I staggered up, had breakfast and retired back to bed to read a magazine for an hour orContinue reading “An unexpected treat”

A bit of everything

Today’s guest picture, shot by my Newcastle correspondent’s husband Mario, shows a small fortune in guano being sat on by guillemots on the Farne Islands. It was a very middling sort of day today after a chilly night.  It was neither too hot nor too cold, there was neither sun nor rain, it didn’t temptContinue reading “A bit of everything”