Upsetting the even tenor of my ways

Today’s guest picture comes from my brother Andrew who has spent another day in London. It was a grey and drizzly day here to welcome me back to Langholm, but it was definitely warmer than it has been, so we were grateful for that. The birds have obviously been missing the feeder while I haveContinue reading “Upsetting the even tenor of my ways”

Trying some new legs

Today’s guest picture comes from my brother Andrew. It is a still life, most unexpected after a lot of windy weather in Derby. After yesterday’s very fleeting sunshine, we got a full ration today, and the sun shone from dawn till dusk. Just in case we got too cheerful, the weather gods arranged for itContinue reading “Trying some new legs”

A partial spring in my step

Today’s guest picture comes from my sister Mary. She encountered this Egyptian goose on a recent outing. We woke to a gloriously sunny moment, but it was only a moment. By the time that we had come down for breakfast, the skies had clouded over. It stayed dry though, and we were able to bicycleContinue reading “A partial spring in my step”

Hopes washed away

Today’s guest picture comes from my sister Caroline in Portsmouth. She found an even better looking camellia bush on her walk yesterday. Our day started quite well here. It was grey and chilly. but it was dry, and I walked up to the town after breakfast to collect a prescription and buy some milk. WhenContinue reading “Hopes washed away”

The sunlit uplands

Today’s guest picture comes from my Somerset correspondent, Venetia. She visited Saltram House in Plymouth and enjoyed this curious chair, on which you would have to sit backwards to read. We had another dry and chilly morning, but it soon warmed up a bit, and I enjoyed being out in the garden after breakfast doingContinue reading “The sunlit uplands”

Two choirs and a frog chorus

Today’s guest picture comes from my camera club friend Simon. He is currently in Paris, helping to prepare for the Olympic Games, and he was much taken by meeting this man who seems to have been in a terrible hurry Once again, the temperature flirted with the freezing point in the morning, but it startedContinue reading “Two choirs and a frog chorus”

Nearly bamboozled

Today’s guest picture comes from my Somerset correspondent, Venetia. She met an octopus on a visit to Plymouth. The forecasters got the weather today right between them. It got down to freezing but not below in the morning, it didn’t rain, and the sun made only brief appearances. On the whole though, it was aContinue reading “Nearly bamboozled”

There is never a panda about when you need one

Today’s guest picture comes from my sister Caroline. In spite of some very rainy weather recently, her hyacinths were looking magnificent today in some welcome sunshine in Southsea. We had some welcome sunshine here too today. We didn’t get over excited though, and let the day creep gently towards us, rather than rushing out toContinue reading “There is never a panda about when you need one”

Gardening, walking and getting wet

Today’s guest picture comes from my sister Mary’s garden in London. Spring is a bit further ahead down there. We woke to a grey and drizzly day, but the drizzle was faint enough in the morning to let me walk up to the town to get milk and rolls, and to let us both getContinue reading “Gardening, walking and getting wet”

Farewell to our visitors

Today’s guest picture comes from my sister Mary. She visited an interesting exhibition of glass work not long ago. We finally got some of the warm weather which forecasters have been talking about, and we got over 10°C (50°F) for several hours. However, as this was accompanied by an inch of rain which was distributedContinue reading “Farewell to our visitors”