Not at the races

Today’s guest picture is another from my sister Mary’s recent visit to the Lake District. She sat on the shore of Grasmere while my brother headed for the hills. We were offered all sorts of discouraging weather by the forecasters, including thunder and lightning, but it was calm and dry as we cycled to churchContinue reading “Not at the races”

Assault and battery

Today’s guest picture comes from my brother Andrew. He met my two sisters in London today, and had a moment beside the canal before he caught his train home. We were promised a warm and dry day today, and up to a point, we got one. However, since the sun didn’t shine and quite aContinue reading “Assault and battery”

Dropping in on Dropscone

Today’s guest picture comes from my brother Andrew. A badger has decimated his own tulips, but a neighbour has a fine crop. Pretty well the whole of today was taken up for me by taking the car to Carlisle for its MOT test, having a walk while I waited for the test be completed, andContinue reading “Dropping in on Dropscone”

Shopping around

Today’s guest picture comes from my sister Caroline. She met some fine roses on a lunchtime walk today. I am trying not to get too worried about our endless warm, dry and sunny days. It is a treat to be out and about on such days, but it is not what our weather should beContinue reading “Shopping around”

Delayed gratification

Today’s guest picture comes from my Welsh correspondent Keiron. Injury is keeping him off his bike at the moment, but he still managed to get out and enjoy this nice waterfall at Ynysarwed. We had another warm night here, followed by another warm day, and this time there was no rain to spoil the morning.Continue reading “Delayed gratification”

A dull day

Today’s guest picture comes from a reader in Bucks Co., Pennsylvania. Spurred on by my biscuit making efforts, Lisa has produced her own Garibaldi biscuits which are very nicely presented. It was a day of constant wind here today, often gusting at over 40mph. As a result, apart from going out for a very shortContinue reading “A dull day”

A farewell meal

Today’s guest picture is another from my sister Mary’s Lake District trip and shows the path to Easedale Tarn. If only I could have persuaded myself to get up at 6 o’clock when I opened my eyes to see strong sunshine outside, I would have been able to make the best of the day.  AsContinue reading “A farewell meal”