Warming up

Today’s guest picture comes from my brother Andrew. Like us, he had a chilly but bright day today and he liked this sunny church which he saw on his walk. With our gas boiler out of action, the house cooled down a lot overnight and it was a rather miserable 10°C downstairs when we gotContinue reading “Warming up”

A choir contrast

Today’s guest picture comes from our son Tony. He has been absent from the guest picture slot for a while, and regular readers may be wondering if the sun has stopped shining in East Wemyss. It has not. This was dawn over the Firth of Forth yesterday. We had a lovely sunny day here today.Continue reading “A choir contrast”

More rain, another walk

Today’s guest picture comes from our friend Bruce. He must have been flying into or out of Edinburgh Airport, as he points out that if you look carefully between the blades of the propeller, you can see the new Forth Road Bridge. We had another grey, but calm and reasonably warm day here today. TheContinue reading “More rain, another walk”

Going nuts

Today’s guest picture comes from our son Tony. It is not the sharpest picture that he has ever taken but you don’t get to see an otter very often, so any picture is brilliant. Our spell of gorgeous late summer weather continued here today. Once again it was sunny without being too hot, so weContinue reading “Going nuts”

A hint of a tint

Today’s guest picture comes from my elder son Tony and shows a fine shot of a firework display which was part of the Nerja feria in Andalucia where he was having a well earned short break. Dropscone and I did not have a break as for the fourth day running (riding?) we went out forContinue reading “A hint of a tint”