Better this time

Today’s guest picture comes from Dropscone’s niece, Hilary, who is currently in Charlottesville, VA. She took a bike ride up to Afton Mountain at the start of the Blue Ridge Parkway, and enjoyed the view. After the meteorological excitements of yesterday, we welcomed a much calmer day here today. Although it was still not warmContinue reading “Better this time”

Out to lunch

Today’s guest picture comes from a call in to Lincoln made by my brother Andrew on his way home from visiting us. I was a bit tired today for one reason or another, so I was happy to have a trickier than usual bank holiday prize crossword to help me fritter away the morning veryContinue reading “Out to lunch”

Dog day

Today’s guest picture comes from our son Tony. It shows Milo, one of our three canine visitors today. (All three can be seen in today’s header picture taken by Marianne.) The chief business of the day was the arrival from East Wemyss of our son Tony, his partner Marianne, and their three dogs Milo, Tara,Continue reading “Dog day”


Today’s guest picture comes from my brother Andrew. He tells me that he got hissed at for taking it. The highlight of a cloudy morning was the arrival of Dropscone, who was well enough to be able to potter round to us on foot, carrying some of his excellent home made scones. Mrs Tootlepedal joinedContinue reading “Deprivetion”


Today’s guest picture comes from our son Alistair. It shows a tulip. We are going to visit the RHS garden at Bridgewater near Manchester next week, and we wasted quite a bit of another fine morning seated at the computer grappling with intractable train booking websites. Luckily our neighbour Liz appeared and invited us overContinue reading “Smooth”

Toured out

Today’s guest picture comes from my Somerset correspondent Venetia’s trip to Cornwall. The picture shows the Burma Bridge in the Lost Gardens of Heligan. I had grand plans for a long cycle ride today as the weather was forecast to be cool with light winds. However, I was very tired when I woke up, andContinue reading “Toured out”

Very quiet

Today’s guest picture comes from our son Alistair. He was on holiday in Ayrshire last week when he came across this fine sight. It is Kelburn Castle. He tells me that the grounds are a very family friendly place to visit. I started the day by taking Mrs Tootlepedal to Carlisle to catch the trainContinue reading “Very quiet”

Washed out

Today’s guest picture comes from our son Alistair in Edinburgh. He caught a shadowy glimpse of a heron taking off from his local loch. We had a grey, cool and calm morning here today, and in a perfect world, I would have been up early, off on my bike for twenty miles, and back inContinue reading “Washed out”

An excellent tootle

Today’s guest picture is a reminder of the sort of sunrise that you can see in East Wemyss if you are up and about at 5 A.M. Our son Tony was. Owing to a busy afternoon and evening, I am starting this post very late in the day, so the text may be a bitContinue reading “An excellent tootle”

On the trail of the lonesome pine (again)

Today’s guest picture is another of my sister Mary’s delightful studies of Regents Park in London. She goes there to play tennis and always looks about on her way. We woke to rather grey and windy weather with a forecast of some rain to come in the middle of the day. We were in noContinue reading “On the trail of the lonesome pine (again)”