A grave situation

Most unusually, today’s guest picture comes from Mrs Tootlepedal. She is so fed up with the current weather that she sent me this picture of the garden which she took in August 2021 just to cheer us both up. In spite of one or two very short bursts of very light rain just to keepContinue reading “A grave situation”

Strictly for the birds

Today’s guest picture comes from my sister Caroline. It provides a welcome splash of colour on a dull day. Our day started out gloomy and overcast, and it got steadily worse. I did try to persuade myself from time to time that a wet walk would be a good idea, but the sight of sheetsContinue reading “Strictly for the birds”

A polar surprise

Today’s guest picture comes from my sister Mary. She decided to take a visit to St James’s Park on the sunny bank holiday yesterday. She found that hundreds of others had had the same idea. We were roused from a rather boring contemplation of another dull grey morning by some very loud and interesting noisesContinue reading “A polar surprise”

Going to the bank

For today’s guest picture, I was looking back in my files when I realised that I had missed this lovely picture of Rochester Cathedra. It was taken by my brother Andrew on a trip to Kent with my sister Mary last month. We didn’t have a frost here, but we did have some drizzly rainContinue reading “Going to the bank”

A matter of scale

The guest picture comes from my brother Andrew. He visited this magnificent mansion today. It is not somewhere on the continent but in a village in Buckinghamshire. Waddesdon Manor is owned by the National Trust and it is a very popular attraction. We had a dull and cloudy start to the day, but it wasContinue reading “A matter of scale”

A walk in the park

Today’s guest picture comes from our daughter Annie. She took a walk along the canal on her way to King’s Cross last week. We had another cool, windy, and showery day here today, so there was no great anxiety to sample the great outdoors in the morning, and we managed to pass the time withoutContinue reading “A walk in the park”

Long day, short walk

Today’s guest picture comes from my brother Andrew. He was quite taken by this hypericum hedge at a play centre next door to his favourite coffee stop. We didn’t make full use of the longest day of the year. We had a relaxed and leisurely morning, only getting out into the garden after coffee. TheContinue reading “Long day, short walk”

An unexpected tootle

Today’s guest picture shows that we are not the only people to visit beautiful gardens. My sister Mary visited Mottisfont in the company of my Somerset correspondent Venetia. They enjoyed the roses. We had a slightly odd day today, not quite what we expected. Some things went to plan though and we drove down toContinue reading “An unexpected tootle”

Stepping back

Today’s guest picture comes from my brother Andrew. He is on a trip to London and took the opportunity to visit Regent’s Park to have coffee with my sister Mary after she had played tennis there this morning. I was very disappointed when I woke up today to find that yesterday’s trip to Longtown toContinue reading “Stepping back”

A trouble shared is a trouble doubled as it turns out.

Today’s guest picture comes from our son Tony. He met a lot of traffic as he left East Wemyss for work this morning. Neither of us here was much better this morning, and Mrs Tootlepedal spent most of another day in bed. I was able to get up and fill the bird feeder, which wasContinue reading “A trouble shared is a trouble doubled as it turns out.”