Mrs Tootlepedal gets a move on

Today’s guest picture comes from my sister Caroline. She passed these bright roses in the Jewish cemetery in Portsmouth on her walk today. It stayed above freezing overnight, which was very welcome, and it stayed dry and above freezing all day, which was even more welcome. We need some repairs done on our roof, soContinue reading “Mrs Tootlepedal gets a move on”

Souping and spicing up a dull day

Today’s guest picture comes from my Somerset correspondent Venetia’s highland jaunt. She was on the platform at Fort William when she took this shot. She took a ride on The Jacobite. It was a miserable day all day here today, with wall to wall rain from dawn till dusk. It didn’t even have the decencyContinue reading “Souping and spicing up a dull day”

Pause for rain

Today’s guest picture comes from my brother Andrew. He visited Powis Castle today and enjoyed the fine gardens there. The forecast was for ‘rain later’ and it was dry and cloudy as we cycled the church to sing in the choir. There were only five of us in the choir today, but we sang outContinue reading “Pause for rain”

Over the hill

Today’s guest picture comes from Sandy. We had some spare seed potatoes earlier this year and he took them off our hands, planted them in a big bag, and looked after them. He has been rewarded with a good crop. Our weather has settled down again to normal summer temperatures, and I had no needContinue reading “Over the hill”

Still tolerable

Today’s guest picture comes from my brother Andrew. In the course of his walk on a very hot day, he found a shady bench in a wood for a moment of respite. The sun was out when we got up . . . . . . and it stayed out all day. At the peakContinue reading “Still tolerable”

Flower power

Today’s guest picture is a one off. It shows two elderly people having a quiet sit down while visiting their granddaughter in London. It was taken by the granddaughter’s mother. We had another pretty hot and sunny day today as the jet stream continued to hold the Atlantic low at bay. At its peak, theContinue reading “Flower power”

Quick change

Today’s guest picture comes from my sister Mary who came across these interesting flats built inside old gas holder frames while she was on a walk beside a canal. We had a pretty miserable sort of day here for the middle of July. It stayed cool, just creeping over 60°F/15°C at its peak. The sunContinue reading “Quick change”

Something borrowed, something blue

Today’s guest picture comes from Venetia’s visit to the Caen Hill Locks.  It looks very peaceful, but if you have to take your boat through all of the 29 locks on the staircase, it is very hard work. The promised end of summer was deferred for another day and we had a beautiful morning, sunny,Continue reading “Something borrowed, something blue”

Catching the moment

Today’s guest picture is another from the camera club visit to Beamish late last month.  Peter took this charming shot. There was heavy rain overnight but the garden seemed strangely dry when we went out for a look.  Some strong winds had done damage though, and Mrs Tootlepedal had a good deal of propping upContinue reading “Catching the moment”

Pottering about

Today’s guest picture is another from my brother’s visit to Fountains Abbey.  As well as some impressive ruins, it has a lovely garden. We had a very nice summer day here today, warm and calm and often sunny.  It might well have been a good day for a pedal but the recent travelling about andContinue reading “Pottering about”