Good timing

Today’s guest picture comes from our son Tony in East Wemyss. He looked out to sea and saw a family of eider ducks swimming in the distance. We had another cool, grey day here with more brisk winds and temperatures only reaching 15°C at midday. It made a sharp contrast with my sisters in LondonContinue reading “Good timing”

Driven to despair

Today’s guest picture is a composite of chillis grown and photographed by our sons Anthony and Alistair, with one grown by Mrs Tootlepedal and photographed by me. The title of this post was meant to be a lightly amusing reference to the fact that I played golf with Dropscone today for the first time inContinue reading “Driven to despair”

Zoom, zoom, zoom

Today’s guest picture comes from my cycling reader Paul. He lives in Lancashire and he sent me this picture of a reservoir to show that we are not the only ones having a dry time just now. I am starting today’s post with a picture from yesterday. I almost always only use pictures in aContinue reading “Zoom, zoom, zoom”

Beer but no skittles

Today’s guest picture is another from Tony in sunny East Wemyss. He passed this delightful garden maintained by OAPs for the benefit of passers by. We had another lovely day here with the only worry that it might get a bit too hot for us pallid northerners. One sign of the easing of the lockdownContinue reading “Beer but no skittles”

Three things

I was looking through my files when I found today’s guest picture.  It shows a Liverpool gull hoping to get Bruce to open his hotel window and give it a snack.  It was taken before Bruce went off to Helsinki.  He gets about a lot. It was sunny and windy here today but as thereContinue reading “Three things”


Today’s guest picture comes from my sister Mary.  She visited Wells with her friend, my Somerset corespondent Venetia, and took this reflective portrait of the cathedral from the bishop’s garden. We had a colder, windier day than yesterday, but as it was drier than forecast and the sun even came out briefly once or twice,Continue reading “Doddering”

A sigh of relief

Today’s guest picture comes from our son Tony in East Wemyss.  He wanted to show me that they have butterflies there too but their ones come indoors. It was a stop start sort of day. Our car had two warning lights when we got back from Carlisle yesterday and they were still sending out badContinue reading “A sigh of relief”

A spotted woodpecker

Today’s guest picture comes from our daughter Annie.  She is working in Zurich this week and took a picture of the sunset there this evening. There was no chance of a sunset here today…or a sunrise…or a sun anything as the sun was conspicuous by its absence all day.  The forecast told me that ifContinue reading “A spotted woodpecker”

A breath of fresh air

Today’s guest picture comes from my sister Susan, who has been kind enough to send me this massive but hungry looking  figure which is currently hanging around at the British Museum. We woke to another grey and wet morning but we weren’t downhearted because Dropscone was due to come round with treacle scones and theContinue reading “A breath of fresh air”


Today’s guest picture is another of the Santander statuary spotted by my brother on his Spanish jaunt last month.  He remarks that the figures look a little put out by the building works. It was a grey and windy day and I took the opportunity to give my legs a rest so while Mrs TootlepedalContinue reading “Flat”