A cross word in England

Today’s guest picture is another from our son Tony. It shows a stunning dawn in East Wemyss with added dog appeal. We had another fine day here as our spell of good weather continued. This was lucky, as we went off after breakfast to do some volunteer tree planting on the Tarras Valley Nature Reserve.Continue reading “A cross word in England”


Today’s guest picture comes from our son Tony in East Wemyss. Instead of yet another brilliant East Wemyss dawn, today’s picture shows one of Tony’s best friends chilling out. After the heavy rain of yesterday, we woke to a calmer and drier day today, and I was able to walk up to the Market PlaceContinue reading “Ten-tative”

Up and down and round and round

Today’s guest picture comes from our son Tony in East Wemyss. He was up so early yesterday morning that he beat the sun to it. There was no sign of sun here this morning, and it was another grey day as we drove up to Cronksbank to help out at the Tarras Valley Nature ReserveContinue reading “Up and down and round and round”

Cut and pedal

Today’s guest picture comes from Venetia who met a grebe on her way home from her Highland holiday. Rather surprisingly, we woke up to a brilliant summer day today. It was very welcome, especially as it stayed sunny all day. Mrs Tootlepedal was extremely enthusiastic about the show of the accidental opium poppies in theContinue reading “Cut and pedal”

Three things

I was looking through my files when I found today’s guest picture.  It shows a Liverpool gull hoping to get Bruce to open his hotel window and give it a snack.  It was taken before Bruce went off to Helsinki.  He gets about a lot. It was sunny and windy here today but as thereContinue reading “Three things”

Going up memory lane

Today’s guest picture comes from my Somerset correspondent Venetia.  She went to see a 70 year old friend abseiling down Wells Cathedral to raise £700 for the charity Sosafrica.  I can only say that it takes all sorts and rather her than me.. We had a dry day today with occasional sunshine.  This was veryContinue reading “Going up memory lane”

Going nuts

Today’s guest picture comes from Dropscone’s Highland holiday.  He went to Fraserburgh and saw not one but two lighthouses. It was another tedious morning with lots of rain showers and just enough gaps between them to make you think that they might be stopping….but they didn’t. After killing time to a background of Beatles musicContinue reading “Going nuts”

Hot stuff

Today’s guest picture comes from our son Tony.  There are caves near his house in East Wemyss which have a rich history dating back to the Picts and some archaeologists are currently having a dig around to find out more. It has been getting steadily warmer here, although nothing like the heatwaves in the USAContinue reading “Hot stuff”

Short of both sunshine and an instant cure

Today’s guest picture is another look at the supersized crazy golf course in Nottingham.  My brother Andrew passed it on his way to classes at the university. I was hoping for a bright day today so that I could take some seaside picture when I went to visit my physio who lives on the SolwayContinue reading “Short of both sunshine and an instant cure”

Sight and sound

Today’s guest picture comes from my Newcastle correspondent, Fiona.  She travelled as far as Durham, took a trip on the river and looked up at the cathedral as she drew near. It was a dull, often rainy and always windy day today so I wasn’t unhappy to spend most of the morning going off withContinue reading “Sight and sound”