Six bridges!

Today’s guest picture is another stolen from contributions sent to me for the last camera club meeting. This is a view that Stan took when he was up a hill in the Ewes Valley. It shows just how flat and narrow the valley bottom is. Our spell of very mixed weather continued today, and itContinue reading “Six bridges!”

Diverted by cows

Today’s scenic guest picture comes from my brother Andrew. Although it looks peaceful enough, he tells me that the wind was blowing so strongly that he literally had to hold on to his hat as he crossed the stream. We had quite a windy day here too, and it was grey and occasionally rainy. IContinue reading “Diverted by cows”

Playing the wrong card

Today’s guest picture comes from our friend Bruce. On his way back from his holiday in North Berwick, he visited Rosslyn Chapel. (The chapel has a long history both in the real world and in fiction. You can find more about this here.) We had another fine day here, and it got pleasantly warm asContinue reading “Playing the wrong card”

Charged up

Today’s guest picture is from my brother Andrew. On one of his walks, he came upon the Gallows Inn on the Erewash Canal, and took the opportunity to hang around there long enough to eat his picnic lunch. We had another frosty morning here, followed by another sunny day. Once again, in spite of theContinue reading “Charged up”

An improvement

Today’s guest picture is another from Venetia’s visit to Wells with my sister Mary. They enjoyed the much photographed view of the cathedral. I didn’t much enjoy the view here when we woke up this morning. There was a thin covering of snow on the lawn but not enough to make a good winter sceneContinue reading “An improvement”

I can see clearly now

Today’s guest picture comes from our daughter Annie. It was taken this evening, and shows that south London gets fine sunsets too. Even aeroplane vapour trails can look good. We had a very windy day here today, breezy enough to damage our garage door which I hadn’t wedged open securely. When we looked around, weContinue reading “I can see clearly now”

Very quiet

Today’s guest picture comes from our friend Bruce who is over in the east. He visited Chillingham castle and found a display of McLaren cars. I would have loved cars like this when I was young but now they just look difficult to get in to and impossible to get out of. We had aContinue reading “Very quiet”